Vision: All children and families in the gulf state region facing serious illness will have access to comprehensive support through the entire duration of serious illness both in the hospital and the home with the goal to prevent, anticipate and mitigate suffering in all its forms.
Mission: We will achieve our vision through an interdisciplinary workforce advocating for every child and family to have access to the support necessary to live as well as possible with serious illness.
Our interdisciplinary workforce will:
- Strive to advance education of the gulf coast community to provide quality clinical care both in our hospitals and in the home
- Collaborate with our Gulf Coast community to advance education
- Engage in advocacy
- Build an Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive Deep South Community Workforce to Provide Excellent Care for ALL Families Facing Serious Illness, especially our families of color.
- Provide leadership and expertise in the region
- Identify utilization and gaps within hospice and palliative care in Louisiana & Mississippi
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